I'm a person who likes to do what he wants to do, whether people like it or not. What I do is designed for people who like it, not for people who don't - Frank Zappa
Hello and welcome!
Hi there, this website is an exhibition of all the work I produced as part of my master's degree. The intent behind my work was to convey the sepertation between someone's physical and online persona. The digital world can be a wonderful place, allowing us to communicate with people from around the world, share our passions and overall being a delightful time waster.
However, not everything is perfect...
The truth is, not everyone accesses the digital world like this. For some, the digital world provides an opportunity for them to escape reality, to become a brand new person. The internet can be an addicting place, an amalgamation of voices telling you to 8UY Th!$ and L!KE TH@T, LOL (U_-). A place full of sound and fury, signifying both nothing and everything.
Shakespearean references aside. You may be wondering "Ok that's interesting, but why use Neocities of all things?" Excellent question! I intended to create a website to exhibit my work since the start of this module, my reasoning for using Neocities was to harken back to the early internet days, before mainstream social media. The 90's truly encapsulated the wild west era of the internet, there was certain type of magic to it, a magic I wanted to capture...
And so, I decided to replicate that 90's charm throughout my work, including this website. I've broken down my work into smaller segments each with their own respective pages, with added context and some additional commentary from myself.
With that all said, I'll leave you to have a look around, feel free to use the jukebox in the bottom left for some classic tunes. Thanks for reading and enjoy your stay. Cheers!