Windows 95 was a nice milestone - Bill Gates
The internet as we know it first came to be on January 1st 1983 and now 40 years later, I believe it's understandable that people would start to get a little bit nostalgic about it. The early days of the internet marked a very whimsical time.
The 90's was enveloped in optimism for the future, with the internet, anything seemed possible with the internet! But that was then, and this is now. Much of that optimism is long gone, replaced with a cynical outlook to the internet.
So what happened? Perhaps the best way to describe it is that the internet became commercial, there was no more mystery behind it, just another tool that corporations use to sell us stuff. And that is the internet today, nothing but conglomerates and commercialism, topped off with a 24/7 Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.
It's no wonder we're constantly reminiscing about the past.

Tabloid Spirtualism
I took inspiration from 90's magazine covers while creating these experiments, they really capitalised on the optimism I wanted to convey. I used Bryce 4 to make my covers as I felt 3D best portrayed the advancements in technology that were made during the decade.

I juxtaposed my covers with multiple article headings, these explored current issues that surround the digital world. I mostly revolved these headings around social concerns, such as people spending so much time online that they start to have difficulties interacting with people in real life.

Hey Ahab, Surf's Up!
And then I created this... Just call me ishmael.